EOTO - The Illusory Truth Effect

The Truth about the Illusory Truth Effect

If you don't know what the illusory truth effect is, here is a short video explaining it all:

The Illusory Truth Effect is a theory that came to be in 1977. It suggests that the more you hear something, the more likely you are to believe it. Repetition makes the mind feel more comfortable and the more you hear it, the more you believe it to be true, certain, or safe. Studies have shown how when Newspapers repeated unfamiliar words throughout articles, people felt more accustomed to it and did not think much of it. When a Newspaper used an unfamiliar word and did not repeat it or use it throughout the article, people found it confusing and hard to read or comprehend. 

We see this all the time today. Politicians have advertisements with the same messages play all the time throughout campaigns to make people trust their message more. When we hear things multiple times we assume them to be true and safe to trust.

This is important when talking about media law and literacy because it affects the way you perceive and interpret the information being presented to you. Always fact-check and research to ensure you get the truth and facts. 




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